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Your Current Location:Home > Case > Projector repair, projector > DigitalProjection HIGHLite 740 projector maintenance
Case Name:DigitalProjection HIGHLite 740 projector maintenance
Case Detailed:

Machine type: DigitalProjection HIGHLite 740

Is this big guy in the figure, industrial-grade projection

Fault: do not regularly use in the flower screen, shown in the figure

Failure analysis: appear such problems, usually is caused by signal wire, or projection motherboard problem

Maintenance process: in the computer, signal lines, testing the projector OK, and then only in the computer test, signal lines is also OK, so maybe is a customer computer problems,

Under the careful screening client cabinet line.

Tested, the customer go line, the host gives two road all the way to host VGA signal directly to the display, in addition to all the way HDMI after DVI matrix switcher to the projector, here will doubt, should have the HDMI matrix switcher, but here the use DVI adapter, so the HDMI signal to the projector, directly to the test failure did not occurred in two hours, solves the question is simple, because of the maintenance responsibility is bigger, the customer on the second day for foreign investors, a major meeting, until now, the end of client meetings. Our responsibility is fell to the ground.

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Addr:Jinxin maintenance, no.1-191, Wanshang international computer digital port, Chengguan District, Lanzhou City, Gansu Province  Tel:0931-8699388    
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